GCSE English Revision Advice
Where to start?
The first thing to remember is that GCSE English revision isn't as hard as you may think! Use your GCSE English coursework to give you an indication of what level you are working towards. Here are a few things that you should consider when you are doing your GCSE English revision:
Spelling - To improve on your spelling, it might be an idea to keep a diary of all the words that you have difficulty spelling correctly so that you know which ones to concentrate on. You could then use the method: look, cover, write and check so that you can test yourself. Ask a friend to test you so that you don't get bored.
Grammar - Make sure that during your GCSE English revision you proof read all of your answers. Read them back to yourself in your head, if it doesn't sound right then change it!
Punctuation - When it comes to punctuation there are a few things you should know during your revision and be comfortable with using them in a sentence: commas, full stops, question marks, apostrophes and quotation marks. Don't forget to use paragraphs either!
English Literature - Make sure that you know your GCSE texts as well as you possibly can. As part of your revision, have an understanding of the plot and the motivation/role of each of the characters.
Do some revision on the characters so that in your GCSE English exam you are able to put forward a point of view.
Be aware of the language and style that the author of your GCSE texts is using as you may well be asked about this in your GCSE English exam.
Useful tips
As with any other part of your GCSE English revision, there are a few things to remember: have plenty of rest, take as many breaks as you need, try and manage your time effectively so you don't leave revision to the last minute and most of all... don't panic!