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Private pupils achieve the most A* grades

by Emily

As the nation's teenagers recover from the stress of receiving their A-level results, the latest figures reveal that half the A-levels taken by pupils at independent schools in the UK were graded A or A* this year, according to figures from the sector.

According to the Independent Schools Council (...

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Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 2

by Emily

Following on from Preparing your child for their GCSEs - Part 1, here are three more ways to ensure your child is going into their GCSE years with confidence:

1. Choose a good mix of subjects. For the first time in their academic career, your child actually has a say in which subjects they want to ...

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Preparing your child for A-levels

by Emily

With competition for university places getting steeper, the pressure on A-level students is more intense than ever before. So how can you prepare your child for sixth form without stressing them out? Here are a few of our top tips:

1. Your child may have mixed feelings about their A-levels before ...

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GCSE pupils achieve record results

by Emily

First Tutors would like to wish all of our tutees the very best of luck as they collect their exam results today. Good luck as well to our tutors, who are probably just as nervous!

If national data is anything to go by, today's exam results should be the cause of celebration for many of our tutees ...

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A-level results show record numbers of top grades

by Emily

This year's A-level results have been described as "record-breaking" as around one in 12 exams were awarded the new A* grade which was brought in to help top universities select the very best candidates. First Tutors would like to offer warm congratulations to our A-level tutees and tutors - well do...

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