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Insurance for Tutors

by Anita

Over the last few months we've received some enquiries from tutors regarding liability insurance and where they can source it. This struck us as an interesting question, so we've done a little homework and found an insurance provider who specialises in just that field. Alan Boswell Group already off...

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New Oxford Vice-Chancellor proposes US-style scholarship system

by Emily

In his first interview as the soon-to-be Oxford University Vice-Chancellor, Andrew Hamilton has outlined his desire for a US-style scholarship system to encourage gifted, financially strapped students to apply to the top universities. This is a bold move for someone who has yet to be installed in hi...

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Making a drama out of a confidence crisis

by Emily

Drama class can be a real 'love-it-or-hate-it' experience for students. They tend to either thrive on the attention and relish performance, or else are struck dumb with fear at the thought of performing in front of their peers. For many it is also hard to see the academic value in a subject which, t...

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Public spending on schools in no danger

by Emily

In his latest address to the labour party, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged not to cut spending on schools and other places of education. In addition to this, he has also promised vital work experience opportunities for young school leavers who are looking for work, more university places to ...

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Massive rise in number of foreign students

by Emily

In the last ten years, the number of non-European students studying at UK universities has practically doubled according to a survey conducted by HE action group Universities UK. This figure takes into account both first degree and post-graduate enrolments.

The report's author Professor Geoffrey Cr...

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