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Exams? Start preparing NOW!

by Sara

In a few months time exam season will be here but fortunately there is still plenty of time to prepare for those stressful weeks ahead. What with essay writing, finding a revision strategy, preparing coursework or university applications, the list seems endless.

We all know how hard it can be to ...

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Dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD… if THEY succeeded, so can you!

by Sara

In recent weeks the First Tutors team has noticed an increased demand for one to one tuition from students suffering with learning difficulties. Whether this be dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD or even mild Asperger's syndrome, they all fall under the HELP ME PLEASE requests from our tut...

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As English grows in size, knowledge becomes more important

by Emily

If you've noticed an extraordinary amount of new English words in use over the past few years, you've noticed one of the most striking phenomena to hit the language in recent memory.

The English language has doubled in size over the last century, giving it an unprecedented level of growth.

That's ...

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Grammar brought back into focus for exam pupils

by Emily

The days of sloppy grammar at school could be at an end. Teenagers are to be penalised for poor grammar in tough new rules being proposed for GCSEs and A levels. Why are these rules being proposed, and what does your teen need to do in order to meet the strict new grammatical requirements?

A return...

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It’s easy to understand apostrophes

by Emily

Pity the poor apostrophe. Much misunderstood, misaligned and sidelined, the apostrophe is perhaps the most abused of all of the punctuation marks in English grammar.

Back to school

According to a recent news story, it seems that it's not just texting teenagers and errant shopkeepers who are happy ...

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