Blog Posts under A Level

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How to get the best from a university open day

by Anita Naik

Choosing which university is right for you isn't easy, which is why utilising university open days are essential in helping you make the right decision. Not only do open days show you exactly what is on offer but they also give you wider view than you'll find in a prospectus or online.

Key reasons ...Read more ›

How to Learn (or Relearn) Maths as an Adult

by Anita Naik

There are many reasons you may want to learn maths again as an adult. Perhaps, you want to help your children with their schoolwork, refresh your knowledge in general or even sit your GCSE or A-Level as an adult. Whatever your reasons, here's what you need to do.

Think about your maths mindset


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A levels: What next if you don’t go to University?

by Grace Dickins

Not everyone goes to university and whether you haven't got the grades or aren't sure what to do now you've finished school there are plenty of options. To help you reach a decision we have compiled a list of some alternatives.


If you already know what job you want to do and there ...

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How a tutor can help if you didn't get the grades you wanted

by Anna Michaelidou

Those all important results have just been published and you look down at the grades with a mixture of emotions; hope, anxiety, fear, excitement. Many, many students will have felt that feeling of despair as they realise that one of more of the grades was not as good as they would have hoped. So, wh...

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The International Baccalaureate or A-levels?

by Anna Michaelidou

A debate that has recently caught my eye is the difference between the International Baccalaureate (IB) and A-levels, and which is a better option for students. With my eldest child now in secondary school it is definitely something I have become more aware of although, in truth, I know very little ...

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