Blog Posts under Results

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Thanks to our Tutors!

by Isa

Following on from yesterday's post through which we extended our congratulations to all those who received their exam results, today we would like to thank all our tutors who helped students with their revision. We are delighted at the number of positive comments received:

"Kevin has been a fanta...

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To all those who received A-level and other exam results - WELL DONE!

by Isa

'...I would highly recommend Greg as a tutor.


Lara's place at Exeter University is now confirmed! Her English grade went up from a B to an A* and her Classics grade went up from a C to a B! A huge thank you, Greg, for all you have done in helping her to achieve this! Sh...

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Record high for A-Level students - Congratulations!

by Sara

Susan from Leicester has just e-mailed us this morning with the good news! "Please let tutor Ian know that Mollie got a B in her Maths A- level exam and says she couldn't have done it without him!

Teenage students have scored yet again another record-breaking year of A-level results, with one in ...

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Scotland's 2011 exam results. Congratulations to Scottish students!

by Sara

First Tutors would like to congratulate the young Scottish students who have received their much awaited exam results. Well done!

Today, Education Secretary Mike Russell praised the hard work and achievement of young people across Scotland. Although the number of young people sitting exams has fall...

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Private pupils achieve the most A* grades

by Emily

As the nation's teenagers recover from the stress of receiving their A-level results, the latest figures reveal that half the A-levels taken by pupils at independent schools in the UK were graded A or A* this year, according to figures from the sector.

According to the Independent Schools Council (...

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