Blog Posts tagged A Level

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A-Level Biology

by Sara

Demand for one-to-one private tuition for A-Level Biology stands at second place (after Maths) on our search statistics this week.

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms together with their characteristics and behaviours. How species and individuals com...

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Grammar brought back into focus for exam pupils

by Emily

The days of sloppy grammar at school could be at an end. Teenagers are to be penalised for poor grammar in tough new rules being proposed for GCSEs and A levels. Why are these rules being proposed, and what does your teen need to do in order to meet the strict new grammatical requirements?

A return...

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Urban Shakespeares

by Emily

Listen to most rap songs and your ears may be assaulted by a cacophony of grammatical errors, dropped consonants and unfamiliar, not to mention uncouth, words.

However, a new exhibition at the British Library, London, entitled Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices, includes a section on rap m...

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Discover the world of English literature

by Emily

Many students will associate reading great works of English literature with having to do exams on them come the end of term. Of course, it was never Virginia Woolf's intention to have To the Lighthouse form a part of an A-level English course. Admittedly this can deaden the impact of great literatur...

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English Literature: a classic A-level choice

by Emily

Competition for university places is particularly fierce, thanks in part to the new generation of A*grades coupled with a drop in available university places as funding for higher education decreases. As it becomes acutely important for candidates to stand out, hiring a personal tutor is an excellen...

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