Blog Posts tagged Biology

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How to pass Biology GCSE

by Anita Naik

Last year, Biology GCSE saw the largest percentage of top grades (50.9). It's why it remains one of the most popular A-level subjects, just behind maths (11.3% of entries), psychology (9.3%), and biology (8.5%). That said, pupils often get nervous about Biology GCSE due to the large amount of inform...

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Inspiring popular science books to read now 

by Anita Naik

It's not always easy to get students to love science. Many feel intimidated by the breadth of the subject, believing it's only for those with scientific minds. Some attempt to avoid the subject entirely and others see it as a topic to simply get through!

Yet, science allows students to gain a clear...

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Revision tips for A-level Biology

by Anita Naik

Biology A-level is the wordiest of all the sciences. Not only is there a vast amount of content involved, but you also need excellent revision, maths and English skills to ensure you get the full exam marks. Here's what to cover.

Get to know the whole specification

Print off the Biology specificat...

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How To Revise For A-Level Biology

by Anita Naik

A-Level Biology covers a lot of ground, so ideally revision should take place throughout the year. To avoid this becoming tedious, it pays to use a variety of revision methods and resources. Knowing how to revise in a multitude of ways can help you to both retain the A-Level information you need and...

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A-Level Biology

by Sara

Demand for one-to-one private tuition for A-Level Biology stands at second place (after Maths) on our search statistics this week.

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms together with their characteristics and behaviours. How species and individuals com...

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