Blog Posts tagged It

Page 14 of 38

A levels: What next if you don’t go to University?

by Grace Dickins

Not everyone goes to university and whether you haven't got the grades or aren't sure what to do now you've finished school there are plenty of options. To help you reach a decision we have compiled a list of some alternatives.


If you already know what job you want to do and there ...

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What to do if you haven’t got the grades you want

by Sarah Adams

With results day impending, nerves are high. Much of your time will have been spent in lectures, revising,preparing for and sitting your exams. Results day is just around the corner and you are probably hoping for your expected grades for your long awaited place at university.

But what do you do if...

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FREE family days out for the summer holidays

by Sarah Adams

Summer's coming and although it may feel as though the kids have only just gone back to school, they'll need entertaining once again this summer holiday. There's no need to break the bank though, we've found some FREE family days out available nationwide!

Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust offers f...

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10 Educational and fun rainy day activities for children

by Anna Michaelidou

We are never really short of rain here in the UK and with rain comes some tough boredom from our children. There's nothing to do today, mum!! or I'm soooo bored! in the whiniest voices, are words that we all frequently hear when children are stuck indoors. Then there is the constant sibling bickerin...

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6 tips on how to help your child develop their handwriting skills

by Anna Michaelidou

Handwriting is one of those amazing skills that children learn with practice and patience. It is a difficult and challenging skill to master but an important one; and there are plenty of ways to ensure your child develops their handwriting in a smooth and fun way.

Practising is key to the dev...

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