Blog Posts tagged Private

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First Tutors feedback - a big thank you to parents and students

by Sara

We have been busy at First Tutors and as always, committed to helping parents and students find private tutors. Below are just a few recent feedback comments received from parents and students alike. Many thanks to all our users for your kind comments.

"Easy to use and kept in regular contact to ma...

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From Primary to Secondary School: The big step!

by Sara

The move from primary school to secondary school is a big step for your child. The secure and perhaps small environment of primary school where your child may feel like a big fish in a small pond will suddenly be exchanged for a large school building that can seem quite intimidating to many children...

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Teaching and tutoring - A look at the differences

by Sara

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between teaching and tutoring? You may have not given it much thought but there are fundamental distinctions between a teacher and a tutor.

Teachers providing services in schools must have specified professional qualifications, however, private tutors a...

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Maths problems - Dyscalculia

by Sara
What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia comes from Greek and Latin which means: "counting badly". The Greek prefix "dys" means "badly" and the Latin word Calculia comes from "calculare" which means "to count".

Dyscalculia is considered to be a learning disability involving the inability to understand m...

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First Tutors cited in the BBC News Magazine!

by Sara

The BBC News Magazine gave a mention to First Tutors this week, in their article "The great school place sausage machine."

Although the article is centered on the difficulties and methods of entering a child into a good school, we would like to emphasize the main reasons why parents choose one to o...

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