Blog Posts tagged R

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Wasted money training Scottish teachers

by Emily

According to the Scottish Labour party, more than £60m has been squandered on training teachers in Scotland who are still looking for work. Only one in seven qualified teachers has actually found work after being trained, and the party says that the cost of teacher training programmes is a waste of ...

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Free school meals for all?

by Emily

A £40m trial is underway in County Durham and the East London borough of Newham that enables pupils to have free lunches. Children's behaviour, health and academic standards will be closely monitored to see how they are affected, and if it is successful then other parts of the country may soon benef...

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University students still waiting on tuition finance

by Emily

Students about to start the new year at university are having to source emergency funding, due to a back-log in processing student loan applications. A student about to start a course in Birmingham told the BBC she is planning to sell her car to cover her tuition and living costs. University authori...

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The 5 most controversial historical figures

by Emily

One of the great things about studying or teaching history is the possibilities it opens up for debate. History teachers and tutors frequently encounter all sorts of characters who defy definition. Here are our top five 'controversial' historical figures.

1. Richard the Lionheart - The Richard of p...

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Google Library: a blessing or a curse for education?

by Emily

Google wants to create the world's largest library - online. The Internet gargantuan wants to expand its 'Google Books' programme to cover almost all books currently in or out of print, essentially outstripping even the UK copyright libraries, such as the British and Bodleian libraries, in quantity ...

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