Blog Posts tagged R

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Can Diabetes Affect a Student’s Academic Performance?

by Cassidy Welling

Around 34.2 million Americans are battling diabetes, while a further 88 million are at a pre-diabetic stage. As is the case with many chronic diseases, symptoms can extend to cognitive performance, with RESEARCH BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS showing that students with Type 1 diabetes can have a reduction...

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Get ready for blended learning for the 2020/21 academic year

by Anita Naik

How universities will operate from for the 2020/21 academic year, is still an issue thanks to COVID-19. With Cambridge University announcing lectures will stay online for the whole year, and King's College, Edinburgh, Imperial and Manchester now saying lectures will be online for at least the first ...

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Advice for Year 10 and Year 12 Students during Covid-19

by Anita Naik

If your Year 10 and Year 12 are heading back to school, here's what to expect. On June 15, up to a quarter of Year 10 and Year, 12 will be allowed "some contact" with teachers to help prepare for exams.

The aim, says the government is to ensure students get face-to-face time with staff before the s...

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7 Smart reads for Key Stage 3 students

by Anita Naik

Getting teenagers and Key Stage 3 students to read isn't easy. Yet, daily reading not only expands their vocabulary but also shows them how to improve their writing, grammar and spelling skills. Plus pupils in years 7 to 9 who read classic modern fiction, gain stronger skills in handling complex ide...

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Learning a new language in lockdown

by Anita Naik

Living in lockdown has led many of us to learn new skills. Learning a language is at the top of many people's lists, and it's easier than you may think. Whether you are a complete beginner, trying to improve your language skills, or honing your skills for future GCSEs and work, now is a perfect time...

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