Blog Posts tagged R

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7 Steps for Getting Around Writer’s Block

by Christine Chadwick

Writer's block may seem inevitable, but it isn't permanent. Here are some methods to break the block and get your words flowing onto the page or screen.

1. Free write

Spend 15 minutes or longer a day writing about whatever runs through your head: there is no "wrong" subject or incorrect number of ...

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Acing the Integrated Reasoning Section of the GMAT

by Christine Chadwick

Think of the Integrated Reasoning Section of the GMAT as a test to evaluate the applied version of the same skills the GMAT is designed to test overall. The GMAT is intended to assess your competence in analysis, writing, and quantitative reasoning as well as your reading and writing skills. In this...

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5 Skills to Develop Over Summer

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

While the summer holidays offer students time off from the regular routine of school, it's also the ideal time to improve academic skills like reading and even job skills to increase one's chances of getting accepted into a university. Here's a list of 5 skills to develop over the summer.

Boost Lit...

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6 Ways University is More Challenging than School

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

On the academic front, the move from school to university can be a challenging one, as there are significant differences. These differences include the level of study, long-term projects, working in groups and getting your work done.

The Level of Study

Although you learned a lot in school, every t...

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The Elements of Recreational Maths

by Sara Vazquez Shaw

Maths can be fun! The field of mathematics has many aspects and countless applications. Anyone in a mathematical field will likely agree that maths is fun, but others may be hesitant to agree with such a statement. These others probably aren't thinking about recreational maths when they disagree wit...

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