Blog Posts tagged R

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7 Tips for Connecting to Reading Material

by Grace Dickins

We've all been there: you read a passage, put the book down, and can't remember a single thing you just read. Unfortunately, not all academic texts are as exciting and accessible as the newest Stephen King novel, but you still need to get through them in order to succeed in school. So what's a blear...

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3 Self-Motivating Strategies for Success

by Grace Dickins

When you're facing a mountain of essay papers or a long night of cramming for a big exam, the lure of video games or mindless surfing on social media becomes that much stronger. This procrastination is part and parcel of the college experience, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's unavoidable. Not...

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How to Encourage Shy Students to Speak Up

by Grace Dickins

As an educator, it's only natural that you want to get your entire class engaged and interested in the lessons you've prepared, but it can be an uphill battle. For some students, it's not so much learning difficulty that keeps them from jumping in discussions, but painful shyness. Need a little help...

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What Life Skills Do I Need Before University?

by Grace Dickins

Many students who head off to university for the first time have never before lived on their own, which can seem intimidating. There will probably be a lot of things that your parents did for you that you'll now have to do for yourself.

Before you head off to university, here are some life skills t...

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4 Ways to Improve Maths Scores

by Grace Dickins

Maths is a topic rooted in logic and formulas, but for those that struggle with certain concepts, it can be as confusing as learning a new language from scratch. If you've taken exams and achieved a lower score in math than you'd hoped for, you may be anxious to explore your options for bringing it ...

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