Blog Posts tagged University

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What Life Skills Do I Need Before University?

by Grace Dickins

Many students who head off to university for the first time have never before lived on their own, which can seem intimidating. There will probably be a lot of things that your parents did for you that you'll now have to do for yourself.

Before you head off to university, here are some life skills t...

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A levels: What next if you don’t go to University?

by Grace Dickins

Not everyone goes to university and whether you haven't got the grades or aren't sure what to do now you've finished school there are plenty of options. To help you reach a decision we have compiled a list of some alternatives.


If you already know what job you want to do and there ...

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What to do if you haven’t got the grades you want

by Sarah Adams

With results day impending, nerves are high. Much of your time will have been spent in lectures, revising,preparing for and sitting your exams. Results day is just around the corner and you are probably hoping for your expected grades for your long awaited place at university.

But what do you do if...

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The International Baccalaureate or A-levels?

by Anna Michaelidou

A debate that has recently caught my eye is the difference between the International Baccalaureate (IB) and A-levels, and which is a better option for students. With my eldest child now in secondary school it is definitely something I have become more aware of although, in truth, I know very little ...

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Preparing for your Oxbridge Interview

by Anita Lee

Oxbridge interviews are nearly upon us, so to warm you up (and just for fun), we're going to be posting some brain teaser questions on our Twitter feed @firsttutors. We hope that for those of you doing your A-Levels (and those of you tutoring), these questions will also provide great material for so...

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