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Online Maths and Physics Tuition

Hi there! My name is Aarnav, and I'm a 3rd Year Undergraduate in Physics at the University of Manchester. Physics is my passion, and I have built a repertoire of good resources and tips and tricks to assist me along my education so far. I am currently on track to achieve a first class degree, with an average score of 83% in my course.

Tutoring Experience

I have previous experience tutoring on online platforms, as well as tutoring privately with my own setup. I have previously used both Jitsi and Skype, and find it is useful to keep a shared cloud storage account with the student to allow for easy file-sharing and access. I primarily have tutored GCSE students moreso than A level students.

Tutoring Approach

I attribute my previous successes with students to the fact that my focus is on filling the gaps the school system either does not or cannot provide - sometimes by no fault of its own. I believe this is primarily two things:

1) Providing a deeper, intuitive understanding of the principles at play. This is critical if the aim is not simply to solve problems, but to analyse and understand new questions and situations - a highly desired trait. This is also a more accurate experience of what working with maths and physics truly is: a creative and explorative endeavour.

2) Using alternate perspectives and physical analogies. Often times, a concept such as electrical circuits can be poorly understood because it is reduced too far into equations, which impedes the ability to draw connections to other areas of maths and physics. Sometimes, students simply need a more relatable approach, which teachers do not have the time to give them.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School2022School4A*s (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, English Lit.)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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