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Private Physics and Chemistry Tuition in Birmingham

I am a PGCE PCET qualified teacher/lecturer with years of experience. My key areas range from Sport & Exercise Science (plus all other sport courses) due to my BSc Undergraduate Degree in Sport and Exercise Science. To Health & Social Care which I have four years of experience teaching within Secondary schools and further education colleges
I am able to create a bespoke tutoring experience at differing educational levels to support students.

Tutoring Experience

I am PGCE PCET qualified teacher/lecturer. I have experience teaching in SEN schools, secondary schools, sixth form colleges, further education colleges and higher education.
Currently, I have 6 years worth of teaching experience teaching Physical Education/Sports Science (Plus all other Sports Courses) and Health and Social Care. I am aware of the national curriculum and the standards that need to be met in order to achieve certain grades through the awarding bodies. I will be able to pinpoint and focus on any weaknesses which are specific to you.

Tutoring Approach

The tuition I offer is tailored to each individual student from a teaching approach. I will provide differentiated resources to meet the individuals needs. I believe that the main objective of a lesson is to ensure that knowledge has been taught and retained. I actively encourage my students to try and solve their own problems with little help from myself, as this instills independence, builds confidence and enables higher level of thinking.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Worcester2018BachelorsSport and Exercise Science
Birmingham City University2019PGCEPGCE PCET

Aazim's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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