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Akbar Naeem

Akbar Naeem

Online Tuition for Maths and Physics

• 4th Year Medical Student with 5+ years of tutoring experience offering engaging & bespoke lessons!

• Being a medical student has its own difficulties that will challenge your methods of revision and its rigorous workload has made me more efficient in establishing better routines and study methods.

• My educational career thus far has equipped me with the skills to breakdown difficult concepts and tackle confusing topics together with my students.

• The calm and light hearted demeanour with which I approach my lessons have kept my students confident to always approach me no matter how silly they think a question or doubt may be.

• This then works synergistically to help me understand their concerns and what I need to focus on more on to help attain my students’ targets.

Tutoring Experience

• I’ve been tutoring professionally for 5+ years and every student I’ve worked with has improved across multiple grades, levels and changing to higher sets at school.

Tutoring Approach

• A good instructor will not guide an athlete to run a marathon the way you would run a 200m sprint. My main ethos has always been linked with the idea that we must be smart about working hard and achieving goals.

• My lessons are always centred on individual weaknesses and turning that into strong foundations, which then boosts my students’ confidence.

• Throughout my learning years I’ve always been helping my classmates understand various concepts that I also once struggled with. What hooked me to tutoring was when I heard my friends exclaim “OH I get it now!” as I explained a difficult topic with my own spin.

• I’m here to jump these hurdles with you and to help you master the concepts you've been struggling on.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Rokeby School2016SchoolGCSEs
Bishop Stopford School2018CollegeA Levels
Akbar Naeem
Rating from 2 references


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