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Computer Studies / I.T. Lessons in Johnstone

I am the Principal Teacher of Computing Science within a top performing East Dunbartonshire school.

Tutoring Experience

With over 10 years teaching experience in the SQA National system, I have taught Computing Science at National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher since their inception with my classes routinely achieving over 80% A passes. I also have experience teaching NPA courses in Games Development, Cyber Security and Data Science.
I have worked for the SQA both a marker and an external verifier so I have a deep and detailed understanding of the structure and content of the SQA courses.

Tutoring Approach

My approach to tutoring focusses on developing practical and theory skills to ensure a high standard of work for the coursework and exam assessments, while also building on broad fundamental concepts to allow the learners to adapt to new and unfamiliar questions. This will involve a mix of practical programming and exam style tasks.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Glasgow2011BachelorsComputing Science
University of Glasgow2014MastersEducation - Professional Practice
University of Glasgow2012OtherPGDE Secondary Education - Computing Science
Rating from 2 references


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