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History and History Of Art Tutoring in Chesham

Hello! I am a current Head of Sixth for at local independent girls school. I have 24 years teaching experience in both the private and state sector, for the last 18 years I have taught in the UK. I live in Chesham, and am mum to two primary school age boys.

Tutoring Experience

My specialism is in History of Art and I am an examiner for Pearson Edecxel. I also teach KS 3,4 & 5 History and have experience in teaching KS3 English.

Tutoring Approach

I am an extremely patient educator who likes to break things down and work at a pace that the student feels comfortable at. I am friendly and supportive and like to keep an open dialogue with parents so that we can all work together for a common goal of building skills, and most importantly, building confidence!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


University of New South Wales2000BachelorsBachelor of Art History / Bachelor of Education
Rating from 1 reference


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