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Online Maths and Physics Lessons

I am currently studying a masters in Environmental Technology at Imperial College London, having graduated from the University of Exeter with a Bachelors of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering. I achieved 9A* and 2A's at GCSE level, and an A in maths and physics and A* in art at A-Level. I am very enthusiastic about maths and physics, and would love to help tutor.

Tutoring Experience

I have volunteered with helping young children learn to read when I was at secondary school. And more recently have been helping friends through maths and physics problems, from GCSE to undergraduate level. I am also working with Science With Hazel, and Figtree tutoring companies to help gain more experience.

Tutoring Approach

The approach I tend to use revolves around past-papers and working through questions together. I find this to help understand the problems from their core, and helps to get used to exam style questioning and preparation. My techniques will be tailored for the tutee so how the like to learn is understood and highlighted to be adopted for the tutoring sessions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Harrow School2019School3 A-Levels
University of Exeter2022BachelorsBEng Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London2022MastersMsc Environmental Technology
Rating from 2 references


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