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Online English and French Lessons

I am a dynamic, enthusiastic and dedicated teacher. I wish to nurture a love for learning in both children and adults. I have worked in education for 8 years; I have worked in both mainstream education and as a one to one tutor for children with additional needs. I am personable, friendly and approachable; after each session, I will provide a detailed report and keep lines of communication open and honest.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching in mainstream education since 2015. Subjects taught upto GCSE level: French, Spanish, English, Religious Education and History. Additionally, I have taught English as a Foreign Language in France, Thailand and Uganda.

Tutoring Approach

I am flexible, hardworking and professional. I create a bespoke package for each pupil which is catered to each educational need. Before the first session, I will discuss the desired outcomes and what works best for each pupil. Every pupil learns differently, and I am willing to adapt for each pupil.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Nottingham2011BachelorsBA HONS ENGLISH LITERATURE AND FRENCH
University of Manchester2017QTSPGCE