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Online French Lessons

Bonjour! My name is Alexia, I am a French as a Foreign Language Tutor. I have been lucky enough to live and work in Tokyo, Japan, and Los Angeles, USA for the past years, I have now settled back in London, a city I love, where I enjoy teaching French.

Tutoring Experience

Since I moved to London in January 2013 I have been working as a self-employed French Tutor with a few companies, such as Dominiques Language Lessons, French Tuition, Language Matters, and Bond Street Languages. My students are children, teenagers and adults, I do intensive classes, business french, preparations for exams and also Beginners French.

Before that I was working in Los Angeles, USA for a year, at the Alliance Française. I was teaching all levels, beginners to advanced, private tuition and groups, children and adults.

Prior to that, on the Land of the Rising Sun, I taught in language schools for two years, mainly at Athénée Français, in Tokyo, where I was teaching adult classes for the most part.

Tutoring Approach

I am a versatile, efficient and enthusiastic French tutor, and I will do my very best to help you reach your French goals! Whether you want to be able to order a glass of wine and some frogs legs (why not?) in some little French brasserie, or if you wish to conduct business in Paris, read a book to your children, listen to the news, or just pass an exam, we will find the best way for you to meet your expectations.

Each class is tailored for you, adaptable for each lessons, using a variety of medias and materials to help you progress and happily learn.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

LanguagesFrench, English (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University Grenoble III, France2012CollegeFrench as a Foreign Language Tutor
University Paris VII, France2007MastersHistory of Civilizations

Alexia's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 4 references


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