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I am a recent First-class honours graduate of Kings College London and a violinist and recorder player freelancing and teaching in London.

Tutoring Experience

I was a tutor at Bedford Music Cooperative from January 2022-June 2023, teaching beginner violin, recorder and musicianship to groups of students. These were weekly Saturday morning lessons which I planned and structured, from beginner to advanced levels for the ages 4-12. I also teach beginner instrument lessons for Design My Night workshops at Hobgoblin London, delivering a range of workshops in the shop. Throughout university, I privately taught violin and other academic subject to individual adult students.

Tutoring Approach

I enjoy an individualistic approach, following what the students enjoy, and I teach through positive reinforcement and encouragement, resulting in positive outcomes for all involved. I start with fixing the problems the students have faced in the week, finding games and ways to remember information, and conclude with relevant revision techniques relevant.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Kings College London2023BachelorsFirst Class Honours in music
East Sussex College Collective2020CollegeA level philosophy A*
East Sussex College Collective2020CollegeA level music A
East Sussex College Collective2020CollegeA level English A
East Sussex College Collective2019CollegeA level sociology A
Homeschooled2017OtherGrade 8 Violin distinction
Homeschooled2017OtherGrade 8 recorder distinction
Homeschooled2018OtherGrade 8 viola distinction
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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