Currently working as Senior Mechanical Engineer at one of the world's leading Aerospace & Defence Companies. Having graduated with distinction with MSc in Astronautics and Space Engineering shows that I am driven by success at high standards. I have been pursuing my engineering career since I graduated in 2014. My experience varies from designing small commercial products to making major engineering decisions from Commercial airplanes to Nuclear-powered submarines.
I tutor KS3, GCSE and A-Level students on a part-time basis. My primary subjects of teaching are Mathematics and Physics (and Combined Science). I have over 10 years of experience in teaching these subjects with high success rates. I have also mentored and taught first & second-year engineering students, demonstrating my capability to teach more complex topics.
I conduct in-person as well as online teaching via teams or skype calls. I am patient and attentive to the needs of the students. I help students prepare for exams. I have been told that I am great at explaining complex topics with relatable examples. My methods for solving Maths & physics problems are methodical. I ensure that students have understood each and every step in solving questions as well as grasp the topics quickly.
The sessions are tailored according to the student's style of learning. In the first half of the session the topic is explained and help make notes. This is followed by some example questions. At the end, I ask students to solve a problem. Students have the freedom to utilize these sessions as problem solving classes or mock test sessions using past exam papers with my feedback.
Over the past decade, I have developed tips and tricks that I can teach students.
Languages | English (British), Gujarati, Hindi |
Availability | Weekends, Weekdays (evenings) |
References Available | On File |
Cranfield University | 2020 | Masters | Astronautics and Space Engineering | |
Queen Mary, University of London | 2014 | Bachelors | Aerospace Engineering |
Feedback | |
Published feedback | |
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative) | 0 |
Maths | |
Primary | £40 |
Secondary | £40 |
GCSE | £40 |
A-Level | £50 |
University | £60 |
Casual Learner | £60 |
Combined Science | |
Primary | £40 |
Secondary | £40 |
GCSE | £40 |