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I am a Mathematics and Statistics graduate from the London School of Economics. I have always loved the subject maths and been successful in the subject securing high grades throughout my years of study; including an A* at GCSE level sat a year early. My love and passion for the subject led me to train as a Mathematics teacher. It was my desire to impart my knowledge of the subject and to stir up within young people excitement for maths. I am the kind of teacher who is genuine, invested, patient and kind. I will ensure that as your tutor you not only feel as though you can do the math and be good at it, but that you enjoy the subject and begin to appreciate it for what it really is.

Tutoring Experience

I am a qualified Mathematics teacher with over ten years teaching and tutoring experience. I have taught all year groups at Secondary level; with varying abilities. I am therefore competent to teach students of any ability within any year at Secondary School. In my teaching experience I have been successful in helping students maintain excellent grades and have also been able to help students secure at least one grade higher than their predicted grades for GCSE.

Not only this, but I have also been successful in stimulating and encouraging my pupils to a high standard of interest and work in Mathematics seen in signing up 100% of my Year 9’s to UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge. Over 60% of these students achieved a Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate.

Finally, my students have described me as kind and approachable, they feel comfortable with me as their teacher and their success is a testament of this. As your tutor, I believe you will also say the same and see the impact on your grades.

Tutoring Approach

First Session:
The first tuition session will entail a baseline assessment for me to gauge topic areas which need most support. Subsequent lessons will be tailored to focus on these topics as well as any other topics identified by you as the student in which you require support.

Structure of Lessons:
I treat tutoring sessions as I would a Maths lesson. Therefore, I will begin with a starter for you to complete, then I will introduce the topic(s) that the lesson is on followed by several examples. I will encourage you to ask absolutely any question as I go through the various examples to show me that you are understanding and that any misconceptions are immediately addressed. I will then set you some related work to complete during the tutoring session. The work will be marked once you complete it and immediate feedback given. I will also set you homework to complete once a week (or more depending on need), which I will take in and mark, and give you feedback on. Upon completing a unit of work, I will set you an assessment to test your understanding, the assessment will be marked and feedback given.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


UCL 2016PGCEMathematics
London School of Economics2014BachelorsMathematics and Statistics

Amanda's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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