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I am a qualified secondary school, Modern Languages teacher. My native tongues are Italian and Urdu. I am native in English as well.
I teach French and Spanish as well, as I studied it at a Bachelor level in university along with Education.
I have lived in Belgium, France and Spain, which helped me greatly in my language proficiency.
I love languages and teaching, so here I am!

Tutoring Experience

I have completed a five year joint degree course in languages and Education in Stirling. This allowed me to complete three placements in different high schools, where I worked with pupils from the ages of 11-17, as well as having done a placement in a primary school where I worked with younger pupils.
I also have some experience in teaching Additional Support Needs children.
I have privately tutored English as a second language as well.

Tutoring Approach

I am a qualified modern languages teacher.
I teach French, Spanish, Italian and English, being native in Italian, English and Urdu.
I use interactive teaching; using games and quizzes so that students can have fun while learning new vocabulary and grammar.
Speaking is a crucial skill when learning a language, so, one to one lessons are perfect for this purpose.

LanguagesItalian, French, Spanish, Urdu, Punjabi
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Stirling2024BachelorsBA French and Spanish and secondary education

Amna's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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