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Private Maths and Business Related Tutor in Worthing
  • LSE graduate and finance professional, I have completed +1,000 hours of online and in-person tuition in Maths, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Statistics and Business since 2019
  • My focus is on undergraduate university exams as well as International Baccalaureate, A-Level and (i)GCSE examinations
  • I also help prospective students with university admissions (personal statement, interview preparation) as well as job applications (cover letters, numerical tests and practice competency interviews)

Tutoring Experience

I've completed a MSc and a BSc in Economics and Finance at top universities in London, United Kingdom. I've also worked in the investment banking, investment management and consulting industries for 5+ years, so I've had the opportunity to see how the theoretical aspects apply in the real world.

Tutoring Approach

I am evidently focused on making sure you get the highest mark possible, but I also want you to remember what you learn. Also, for me it is key that you understand why are you studying a topic in the first place and how it is relevant to the word we live in. I supplement curriculum theory with practical examples in order to strengthen understanding and make it easy to recall information in the longer term.

I can help you prepare with little notice ahead of an exam, I've had to teach a whole module in 3 days given the student did not manage to prepare during the term.

On the other hand, I can also plan long term (1 year+) to find the way that works best for you. I am fully aware that people have different personalities so they learn in different ways. This is why I make use of quizzes, online activities and creative platforms to make sure the knowledge sticks and that you also enjoy the process (even if you need to study Accounting!).

Having fun and being flexible are the key things that encourage learning on a consistent basis, with this in place the discipline and hard work come easy. Thank you and look forward to learning together!

What drew me to study economics and finance was my curiosity to understand how the world works. The economic system supports growing businesses, our evolving careers and our access to more and more tech apps every day. I am particularly interested to understand the links between economics, finance, psychology and broader social aspects. My everyday aim is to answer the question - why - and help others as much as I can.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


London School of Economics2017MastersFinance and Private Equity
Queen Mary, University of London2013BachelorsEconomics, Finance and Management
Rating from 2 references


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