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Online French Tuition

I am just finishing the second year of my degree at the University of York, I am studying towards a BA in French and Italian! I am going on my year abroad in September and I'm keen to support/encourage language learning (I know it's not always a popular subject but with the right teaching it can be great!)

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored on and off for various subjects since I was 16, I used to work as an 11+ tutor with a company in Bucks, and was involved in the classroom with younger years while I was in sixth form. I learnt Italian from beginner level over zoom so I know how to make sure you don't lose any quality from online teaching!

Tutoring Approach

From my own personal language learning experience I've discovered the best way to learn is little and often! Tackle one thing at a time and don't worry if you don't get it straight away it is hard, but learning the grammar is the most important thing in my opinion. I also believe it's helpful to be exposed to the language as much as possible so in sessions I will talk a lot in French, and then explain in English to help you understand, but hearing the French will really help you absorb it.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Beaconsfield High School2020CollegeA-Level French
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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