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Online Chemistry and Biology Teacher

I am a graduate in BSc Environmental Science and also have a postgraduate Masters of Research degree in Marine Biology with a collaboration within the Marine Biological Association and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. I love everything environmental and I love engaging and immersing students in learning and helping them on their journey to achieve their independent goals.
I know how difficult it is first hand to get exactly where you want to be in the world of academia and I am confident I can help you achieve your targets and goals to get yourself there!

Tutoring Experience

I have previous experience of being an online tutor for various tutoring platforms including SuperProf, My Tutor and Tutiva.
I have various lesson techniques and resources to assist all ages and abilities in the subjects that I offer!

Tutoring Approach

Every student learns and absorbs information differently. It's important to make sure every lesson is directly suited to each students' needs and learning requirements. Therefore I love to ensure my students get to talk to me about the best ways that help them to learn - whether that be visual, auditory based, written or practical, or we can work through this together if you are unsure.

Regardless, all lessons use a variety of resources in order to fully engage the student throughout the session and to ensure what we are working on, gets put to practice!

My lessons are on average an hour long, with some exceptions where two hour lessons can be arrange. However, please note that longer lessons will include a short student rest break.
My lessons are suitable for a range of different ages and abilities. Please get in touch for more information.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Plymouth University2022MastersMarine Biology
Plymouth University2020BachelorsEnvironmental Science
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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