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Physics Tuition in Hackney

I have recently graduated from University College London with a First Class Masters degree in Neuroscience. Prior to this I completed an undergraduate degree in Physiological Science (biomedical sciences) at the University of Bristol.

I am currently working at a kids club whilst also working on a Neuroscience research project. I plan to start a PhD in Neuroscience next September.

Tutoring Experience

I have experience tutoring for biology, chemistry, physics, English and geography at GCSE level.

I have previously worked with students with dyslexia and ADHD at GCSE level, which has taught me to be adaptable as a tutor and how to respond the unique learning styles of each student.

I also worked closely with younger members of my family, assisting them in biology, chemistry and physics.

Tutoring a second year student in biomedical sciences provided me with experience for tutoring at an advanced academic level.

At university I often supported my peers with their learning and enjoyed leading revision sessions.

Tutoring Approach

As a recent masters graduate, I am very experienced in studying for exams. I enjoy passing on techniques I have developed from my own learning as well as helping students to progress their own learning style. During sessions I like to focus on exam technique, as well as subject content. Focusing on exam technique has helped my previous students to dramatically increase their grades.

I have learnt that working through examples and past papers is a great way to develop a students understanding and confidence. However, as everyone learns in different ways, the most important thing is to adapt to the learning style of the tutee. Therefore, I am keen to discover what works best for the tutee in order to develop their learning as much as possible.

Most importantly I believe tutoring sessions should be enjoyable and a positive experience. This allows students to get the most out of each session and to reach their full potential.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University College London2016MastersDistinction (1st class)
University of Bristol2015Bachelors1st class honours
Rating from 3 references


Subjects taught
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