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A free initial lesson is available to help you determine if you would like to continue.

I take a very informal, friendly and interactive approach to tutoring. I provide a positive learning environment by quickly building a rapport with my students and helping them enjoy their learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored a wide range of students from primary-age pupils to university students.
I have successfully tutored the following courses:
GCSE Mathematics and Physics
A-level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics
Introductory Undergraduate Probability and Statistics
Cambridge STEP entrance exam, TMUA and MAT
Introductory undergraduate Physics
Mathematics for engineers and scientists
Mathematical Methods for Finance, accounting and Economics
Linear Algebra
Vector Calculus
Calculus of Variations
Classical Mechanics
Real and Complex variables
Differential Equations & Laplace transforms
Partial Differential Equations & Fourier Analysis
Please discuss with me via messaging, If you are seeking tuition on topics other than the abovementioned

Tutoring Approach

My Cancellations Policy
You must inform me at least 24 hours before the tuition session if you wish to cancel the session. If this notice is not provided, I may charge the full tuition. If I continually receive cancellations for sessions I may choose to terminate the private tuition

LanguagesEnglish (British), Azeri
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The Open University2015BachelorsMathematics & Physics
The Open University2018MastersPgCert Mathematics
The University Of Nottingham 2017MastersTheoretical Physics

Armin's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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