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Online Maths and English Teacher

BEd Teaching Degree (Secondary)
BA Honors in Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
A Levels- highest possible grades:
Biology A, Chemistry A, Mathematics A, French (AS) A
GCSE: 10 A-A*

Tutoring Experience

Austin is an experienced tutor and teacher who has worked in the UK, America and Ireland. He has supported students at 11+ and 13+ (entrance exams to both independent and selective state schools) and in the run up to GCSEs and A levels. Austin has more than 10 years teaching experience and over 10,000 hours tutoring. Austin is personable, friendly and committed to sharing his passion for his subjects and the development of a students’ academic understanding and enjoyment. He has seen his students grow in confidence and achieve great success, improving on average by two grades.
Austin is a writer and published author. He has written nine children’s books tackling the challenges young people face growing up. He also worked for two years for Southwestern Company in America as an educational marketing sales leader.

Tutoring Approach

I love to teach and help those who need a little extra help. If they are willing to get a tutor, they are willing to learn and that’s all I need in a student. I loved these subjects growing up and always enjoy teaching them. I enjoy the journey that comes with working with a student over time, watching them improve. I am confident that after one lesson you will enjoy my teaching methods and continue working with me until we reach your goal.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Heriot Watt2016Bachelors2.1 MSAS & Education
Rating from 2 references


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