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Home Tuition for Maths and English in Ilford

Hi! I’m Aya, an English Graduate of Queen Marys University who still wants to help students achieve those grades they need!

Tutoring Experience

While I have a degree in English, I have been persistently tutoring subjects ranging from English, to Law, to Psychology since 2021. I very much appreciate the success my student benefit from it as in each exam, a high percentage of children that I tutor have made outstanding progress and achieved their desired outcomes; A*-B. I have secured my subject knowledge of all the curriculums across my given subjects throughout GCSE and A-level.

If there is a board I am unfamiliar with then I make it my duty to follow it through!

Tutoring Approach

Before tutoring, I’d like to create a rapport with the student. I’ve noticed that learning is very underdeveloped when they’re either scared of their teacher or don’t know her/him. Once that is done, I test the student so I can see what I’m working with. I’m doing this, I can tailor the lessons to come appropriately as no student is the same ! I have built up a wide range of teaching strategies to meet any individual needs. I am dedicated to helping each and every child to reach their potential. My nature and teaching style is calm, encouraging and positive. I believe in praise and building confidence in ability as well as academic success.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Loxford school2021CollegeALevels
Queen Marys University of London2024BachelorsEnglish

Aya's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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