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Online Maths and English Lessons

I am an international-level athlete and an avid adventurer with talents in a multitude of outdoor sports/activities. Crucially, I am also a qualified historian from time to time. For many years I struggled to balance my thirst for knowledge with the necessary motivation for learning that accompanied success. Only through becoming a ski instructor recently have I finally found a passion for not only teaching, but for learning as well. The two skills 'teaching' and 'learning' are inseparable in my eyes and the mastery of both is a powerful tool.

Tutoring Experience

I volunteered at a primary school in High Wycombe for a year and I have helped a few other students with personal statements for Oxbridge applications. I have coached lacrosse players aged 11-25 years and taught toddlers how to ski with incredible patience that even surprised myself. I am presently taking surf instructor qualifications, which may not seem applicable to academic learning to the untrained eye, however I know that a willingness to teach in any form can only really produce effective results. I teach with passion, energy and enthusiasm and I often use skills I've learnt in coaching sports to help break down and tackle historical, geographical and even philosophical problems.

Tutoring Approach

I am very adaptable and can problem solve with great ease. I do not believe in finding 'problems' in a person's learning. It is the role of the instructor/teacher to adapt their teaching style into a manner that can be beneficial to whoever is sat or stood in front of them, whether that be in sport or online tutoring. At Oxford University I used to refer to tutors as 'good' or 'bad', usually dependent on how easily I understood the course material they presented me with. However, looking back and having become a tutor myself, I have now identified the focal ways in which I would hope to only ever be a 'good' tutor. The core feature of my teaching is in showing the student how to do something, rather than telling them 'the answer'. It is a good early lesson to learn that everyone's opinions should be heard and gracefully debated, as opposed to sticking to one's own core belief. There is no 'right answer' for the most part, but in developing a sound and valid argument first, one can only really improve.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2020Bachelors2:1 BA History
Wycombe Abbey School2015School10 A* at GCSE
Wycombe Abbey2017School2 A* & 1 A at A level
British Association of Ski Instructors2021ProfessionalLevel 1 and 2 Ski Instructor
Within BASI qualification2021OtherChild Safety and First Aid Modules
Rating from 4 references


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