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Online Maths and English Tuition

I am a young, outgoing and friendly student at Loughborough university, but I am originally from Maidstone in Kent. I enjoy football and many other sports, as well as reading and researching topics which I find myself to be curious about. I have 3 younger siblings who are always asking me for help whenever I have free time, especially my younger sister who is currently studying A-level economics.

Tutoring Experience

While studying for my A-level exams, I was a personal tutor for one of the pupils at my school who was much younger than I was. This was one of my duties as part of being a prefect for the school I attended whilst in Sixth form. I also have carried out voluntary work in local primary schools, where I was asked to take a group of high level year 6 children and teach them high level mathematics, while also getting involved with helping the class in general. I was well liked by the children, and they have since asked me to return on a number of occasions.

Tutoring Approach

I will ask the student/parent of student to first of all tell me about what specific areas of work they are currently struggling with. I will explain the topic of difficulty to the child first of all at a level that they understand, and ask them to explain it back to me in their own words. Once I am confident that the child understands, I will set a short homework task that will help to cement the child's knowledge, then do a quick, short recap at the start of the next session to ensure that there is repetition of knowledge, allowing for greater comprehension.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Oakwood Park Grammar School2022CollegePsychology
Oakwood Park Grammar School2022CollegeBiology
Loughborough University2022BachelorsBusiness management (BSc)(ongoing)
Oakwood Park Grammar School2022Collegeeconomics
Rating from 2 references


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