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Maths and Biology Teacher in Glasgow

I am 34 years of age and currently working as a resident doctor in various sites across Glasgow. I achieved a Bachelor's degree in Medicine in 2015 and have been working in the NHS since. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and wish to share my knowledge with others. I believe I have the skills required to assist all learners in reaching their academic goals.

Tutoring Experience

I have previously taught medical students in formal settings, for example on university grounds or in clinical areas, but I have also taught colleagues and junior members of the team informally.

Tutoring Approach

Tuition is tailored to the student, adapting to the way in which they feel they learn best. Certainly what was best for me may not be best for them, and I am flexible in my approach, taking this into account. Personally I find it useful to assess the level of background knowledge and proceed from there.
For those in secondary school, past papers are used to show progression, although these can be done in-between sessions.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Universities of Plymouth and Exeter2015BachelorsBachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery
Rating from 2 references


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