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Private Online Maths and Physics Tutor

I am a young, motivated, and experienced teacher of sciences and maths. I grew up in Singapore and conscripted in the army between the ages of 18-21. I then moved to the UK for further studies, where I have already gained a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, and am now in my final year of medical school.

I am a true academic, but have a large passion for taking on teaching and leadership roles.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring online for the past 5 years. I have tutored students across all levels of ability - from students with ADHD, autism, and other learning disabilities, to students who were already excelling in their studies and wanted me to help them maintain their excellence.

I currently teach at my Medical school. I teach some of the 3rd/4th year medical students different medicine topics. These range from in class to online sessions.

I was a student mentor in both my undergraduate degree and in my medical degree.

Tutoring Approach

I am a very friendly tutor. My approach to teaching is to not get my students to rote memorise facts and figures, but to understand the fundamentals of all major topics so that they are able to apply their minds critically.

My classes are extremely interactive and involved, where I usually try and get the student to talk more than me, rather than me talking at them. I will always ask the student open questions at the start of each topic to best gain their understanding of the topic before we cover it. This let me knows which areas to focus on before starting each topic. To keep my students engaged, I like to weave short simple questions relevant to the topic we are currently covering into the lessons.

For my online sessions, I connect to the call on 2-3 of my devices. I at least use my laptop (for the camera and microphone) and my IPad + IPad pen (to use as a white/blackboard during the sessions, as a live active place for me to write notes, draw diagrams, and annotate schematics for the students to see). My students always find this multiple screen the most helpful, as it makes the session a lot more lively and interactive than if we were just talking to each other. I will sometimes join on a 3rd device if I want to share another screen to show short videos/clips as an aid for whatever topic we are covering at the time.

If necessary/wanted, I set roughly 30 minutes of homework on the topics covered in the previous session between classes so that the student can put the theory we recently covered into practice. I then provide feedback on the homework.

I like to finish all the content for the subject I am teaching ~2 months before the exams. This allows for some time to cover any topics that the student may still find weak/would like to go over again, and to do some practice questions/papers in preparation for the exams.

Finally, I provide monthly reports/updates to the parents/guardians of the students. This is to inform them of the students progress, and to answer any queries.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA)2012CollegeInternational Baccalaureate
University College London2018BachelorsNatural Sciences
University College London2019MastersBiomedical Engineering
Rating from 2 references


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