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Imuetinyan Bernadette

Private Online Maths and Computer Studies / I.T. Tutor

People normally comment on how I am a caring, intelligent individual. I like to think of myself as someone who is empathetic, able to understand the needs and feelings of others and able to encourage, enhance and chart the progression of a student or students, as they gain knowledge and skills.

Tutoring Experience

Delivered one to one in person and online tutoring in Maths and basic computer subjects to primary school children and adult learners. Cover supervisor. Invigilator. Carried out scribing, reading, note taking and exam invigilation for physical disability students.

Tutoring Approach

For the last few years, I have been a carer and only been able to teach online. As well as offering Maths and basic computer subjects. I also wish to teach English as a Second Language. I have lived in England for over twenty years. I am completely proficient in English.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


University of East London2006MastersBusiness Information Systems
London Oriental Academy2007QTSTeacher Training in Further Education
Rating from 1 reference


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