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I have been a qualified teacher for thirteen years with experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have been a private tutor for eleven years. I have taken part in three Ofsted inspections in 2019 and 2021 where both were rated as 'Outstanding' and a 'Good' in 2018.

I receive most of my tutoring work through word of mouth recommendations outside of First Tutors so additional reviews can be made by request.

I am passionate about educating young children and assisting them through their learning in any way I can. With the ever growing expectations within the new curriculum I understand the pressures that primary school children endure.

It is my job to ensure that these children have the confidence and skill to meet these expectations.

I have experience preparing a number of children for their KS1/KS2 SATs and entrance exams including Belvedere and Blue Coat. I offer tuition covering the KS3/GCSE English secondary curriculum and have done successfully for five years. I also offer tuition and exam technique for the QTS* computerised Skills tests at University level. My previous students have passed their Skills test first time.

My online tuition sessions take place on G-Classroom.

Tutoring Experience

I am currently working in Key Stage Two working with children both individually and in small groups through numerous interventions.
I work closely and can effectively plan for children with EAL and I deliver the WellComm scheme.
I have a good knowledge of the IDL, Nessy and Toe by Toe scheme which assists children with dyslexia.
I have a wide range of experience working with SEN children and assessing against PIVATs for those children working under age related expectations also focusing on Precision Teaching.
I have worked with children who are affected by Autism on all levels. I have worked closely with MAST and SENISS Liverpool.
I have a experience teaching Read Write Inc across all year groups and with outstanding teaching and results in 2018. We were recognised as a model school for training other teachers across the country.

Tutoring Approach

I аm а resоurceful аnd engаging tutоr аnd will meet the individual needs оf аll my pupils.
I have a track record of raising attaiment across the core subjects.
I take time to plan each session to ensure the lesson is catered for each child.
I set numerоus tаrgets аnd tаsks fоr my pupils tо cоmplete tо ensure prоgress each session.
On a regular basis the individual child's targets will be reviewed to ensure attainment and to encourage independent learning I will assess the child at the end of each unit against the New Curriculum.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Edge Hill University2012QTSPrimary Education QTS*

Bernadette's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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