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I am a highly experienced tutor and PhD candidate in Philosophy. I have been teaching for over five years now, and have developed a genuine love for tutoring. In particular, I am glad to say that I have helped students gain an interest in subjects they previously disliked. This has helped them work harder, enjoy it more, and develop a long-standing love for their subject.

Outside of tutoring, my PhD focuses on philosophy of history, particularly in light of the history of transatlantic slavery. I have had my work published, and have been invited to speak at a number of conferences.

Tutoring Experience

I have been tutoring for five years now, approaching 2000 hours of experience. I have taught students at a variety of abilities, at many different levels. In particular, I have helped students reach their potential, exceeding their target A Level grades, and getting into top universities.

I also have experience working neurodiverse students, particularly those with ADHD, and have found that my teaching style works well in keeping students engaged.

Tutoring Approach

I work from the principle that all my students have something to bring to each session, often something I have not considered. Therefore, I try to make my sessions as responsive as possible to their thought. Especially with the subjects I teach, good work comes through finding your own way to approach the subject.

Generally, I will ask students to complete work before the session, whether this is reading or some written work. We will then discuss this during the session to identify areas of difficulty, or attempt to challenge the student to take them beyond what they may have previously thought.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy - Kingston University2022MastersMPhilStud Philosophy - Distinction
The Queen's College, Oxford2020BachelorsBA Philosophy, Politics, and Economics - First Class
King's College, Taunton2017CollegeA Level Economics and A Level Maths - A*
King's College, Taunton2017CollegeA Level History and A Level English Literature - A
King's College, Taunton2017CollegeA Level History - A
King's College, Taunton2017CollegeA Level English Literature
Rating from 2 references


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