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I have been Head of A level Psychology for 12 years and now lecture in Psychology at two universities. I have been successfully tutoring A level Psychology students for over 15 years. I am a chartered member of the British Psychological Society and also an Affiliate member of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. I have examining experience. I also hold a Masters in the Teaching of Psychology and am currently undertaking a PhD in Psychology.

I am not taking on any more A2 students who have their exams in May 2025, but I will take on students now with their exams in May 2026. Exam board AQA.

Tutoring Experience

I teach Northampton University and spent twelve years teaching A level Psychology and being Head of A level Psychology at Northampton College. I have a CRB which means I have been checked by the criminal records bureau so that I may teach under sixteens. I teach A level Psychology, Access to HE, PGCE and BSc Psychology. The exam board I am most familiar with is AQA, although I have provided tutoring support for other exam boards. I am very proud of the fact that under my lead the college has a very high of A-B grades attained at A2. All of my previous tutees have attained A-B grades if they have started tuition early enough in the year with myself.

Tutoring Approach

I work very closely with exam papers and mark schemes, so that the student works on their exam writing skills, and formulates A-B grade essay plans in order to make sure they only revise exactly whats needed for the exam. In addition I would expect students to undertake exam paper practice regularly for homework to hone their exam skills. We would often do timed exam questions as part of the tutoring. Students travel to me or I can do online sessions. I only tutor AQA A level Psychology or degree level and to do well and in my experience an A level student does need two hours of tuition per week. Most of my students achieve A's and to do this two hours a week is needed.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


Northampton University2010PGCEPost graduate certificate in education
Northampton College2006CollegePreparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector
Open University2000BachelorsPsychology 2:1
Glyndwr University 2017MastersTeaching of Psychology

Carey's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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