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Entrance Exams Lessons in Sale

I have lived in Altrincham for 21 years and have four daughters who went to a local primary school and then Altrincham Grammar School for Girls.

Tutoring Experience

I am a primary teacher, retiring in August 2024, after 19 years of primary experience working in all junior years. I have also tutored children for the local school entrance exams for approximately 25 years. I was a French teacher at secondary school before becoming a primary school teacher and I also taught Arabic reading and writing at the University of Manchester, and translation from Arabic to English at the University of Salford, whilst studying for my Masters in Applied Linguistics.

Tutoring Approach

I use a combination of direct instruction and extensive practice on the 11+ style questions. I have a wealth of resources, collected over the years. I adapt my teaching style to the needs of the learner and focus on putting the child at ease.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Manchester1993PGCEPGCE
University of Salford1991MastersMasters
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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