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Online Maths and Physics Teacher

I’m a third year medical student at UEA. Over the past years, I have enjoyed learning not only learning the scientific aspect of medicine but also experiencing the clinical side by undertaking GP and hospital placements and getting first-hand experience with patients to supplement my learning.

Tutoring Experience

I have been online tutoring for over a year and a half, having worked with students from KS3 up to A-levels. Whilst at school, I always looked forward to exams or quizzes as I recognised it as a chance for me to pick up on my strengths and weaknesses, enabling me to progress and achieve more and I want to be able to do that for my students too! I also recognise that it is vital to start learning early, from having sat my GCSEs and gone through A-levels, feeling calm and confident in your ability can make a huge difference in your performance in exams and it can also avoid the unnecessary stress that comes with cramming last minute.

Tutoring Approach

In my lessons, we will regularly recap key points/difficult topic ares for the student covered over the past lessons to ensure the student is retaining the information, we will also learn concepts the student struggles with (through diagrams, pictures, mind maps etc) and then apply this knowledge by carrying out exam-style questions tailored to the student's exam board.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


The Commonweal School2020CollegeAlevel Chemistry (A*)
The Commonweal School2020CollegeAlevel Biology (A)
The Commonweal School2020CollegeAlevel Maths (B)
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE Maths
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE Chemistry
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE Physics
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE Biology
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE English Literature
St Joseph’s Catholic College2018SchoolGCSE English Languge
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Click here for more Biology tutors