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Catherine Ruth

Catherine Ruth

Online Tuition for Maths and English

I am a Chemistry graduate from King's College London who also has experience in cancer research. I have been a teaching assistance in laboratory chemistry classes. I am a encouraging person and like breaking down concepts so they are easier to understand. I have experience tutoring chemistry online. Hopefully you will feel inspired after my lesson.

Tutoring Experience

I have 1+ year experience tutoring A level Chemistry, Science, Maths and English. I have taught over 500 lessons online.

Tutoring Approach

We will go through a course covering topics in your course. You will interact a lot whilst going through the materials by answering fun quiz questions. At the end of the topic we will cover an exam question together. If the student sends me their desired topics that they want to go over in advance, I will tailor my lesson to their choice of topic. If the student doesn't know what topics to revise, I will provide a short quiz to help decide.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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King's College London2016MastersChemistry with Biomedicine
Rosebery School2012SchoolA Level Chemistry (A), Maths (B) and Psychology (B)
Catherine Ruth
Rating from 2 references


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