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Online Maths and English Tutoring

My name is Cathy and I look forward to meeting you! I am a graduate of the University of Leeds (one of the world's top 100 universities) and an experienced and popular tutor. I have a BA 2.1 Honours degree from the University of Leeds.
In addition my TEFL 5 English teaching certificate is a degree level Ofqual regulated qualification. I also achieved 'A' grade in Economics 'A' Level and offer this as a GCSE subject in addition to English and History. I also passed my chartered accountancy exams in 1996.

Tutoring Experience

My experience includes in-person and online teaching. I am a popular and experienced teacher , for example on the Preply site and get five-star reviews from my students.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach is adapted for each individual student, according to their needs. For some students, this means building their confidence in their own abilities. Other students benefit from my exam preparation techniques. For example, I had a student score highly on a test recently, partly because she was well-prepared and had seen similar questions before.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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TEFL.org2024ProfessionalTEFL Level 5-Degree Equiv
ICAEW1996ProfessionalChartered Accountancy ACA
University of Leeds1991BachelorsInternational History Politics
AQA1988CollegeA Level Economics Grade A

Cathryn's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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