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Private Maths and English Tuition in Coventry

Hi, I’m Charlotte. I am passionate about helping children grow and develop not only on their educational journey but also their wellbeing - ensuring they believe in themselves and know that the sky is the limit! I am confident that I will be able to support your child to reach their potential, and I look forward to watching them flourish.

Tutoring Experience

I am a qualified teacher with 5+ years of experience looking to make a difference and help your child! I currently teach Year 1 but have taught a variety of year groups. I am currently subject lead for History and also have a role in the phonics department due to my extensive training. I have a considerable amount of experience teaching SEND children who have severe needs to children who are high functioning and need challenging. I have a degree in English and also a Masters in ELT (English Language Teaching.)

Tutoring Approach

I approach teaching using - Quality First Teaching. This is a teaching style that aims to include all students in high-quality, inclusive lessons. It's based on the idea that all students can achieve more when challenged and supported. I will ensure that what I deliver is adapted to the needs of the specifid child, whilst also including an element of fun and practical learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


University of Leicester2020BachelorsEnglish
London Metropolitan University2023MastersEnglish Language Teaching
Rating from 1 reference


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