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Cheuk Yiu Magdalene

Cheuk Yiu Magdalene

Online Tuition for Maths and Chemistry

I love teaching and tutoring students, guiding them achieving top grades bring me fulfillment.
With more than 3 years of experience in teaching alongside studying Pharmacy in Kings College London, I'm sure I can help your child to achieve confidence in both academic and sense of achievement.

Tutoring Experience

I'm stuyding a Master degree in Pharmacy in KCL after achieving top Alevel grades, I might not have the most outstanding degree on hand already, but graduating fresh out from college within 2 years put me in a position where I kept up to date with all the exam syllabus and examination techniques. With more than 3 years of experience of tutoring my peers and friends, I offer a low hourly price providing with materials to ensure your children with outstanding results.

Tutoring Approach

Straight to the point.
1) Build a good foundation
- Build a great foundation can also boost confidence and develop interest in specific subjects
2) Train exam technique
- With expertise exam answering techniques, get the marks without writing paragraphs.
- Spot keywords to let examiner to know that you understand the content
3) Learn extended content
- Learn extended content and stay well ahead of their peers. Can boost their confidence while trusted by their teacher
4) Apply both content and skills
- By applying all skills and content together, there is no doubt why my students wouldn't don't get top grades

After each session, I will tailor a follow-up prep to consolidate their content and exam technique, throughout the student's present level of comprehension, I am able to identify and eradicate weaknesses.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Chinese
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Mountkelly College2023CollegeA-levels
Kings College London2024MastersMPharm
Cheuk Yiu Magdalene
Rating from 2 references


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