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I'm a qualified teacher (PGCE, University of Roehampton), writer and stand-up comedian with a Masters degree in English from the University of Oxford (2017) and a BA from the University of Cambridge (2015; 1st class). I've studied British and world history and literature from the middle ages to the present day, including Italian and Classical languages.

I have always been passionate about education and I know how valuable one-to-one sessions can be in a student's development. I strive to tailor a course of learning around the needs and interests of each individual pupil, and to make the subject enriching, enjoyable, and rigorous. My high level of academic expertise means I have a wealth of knowledge beyond what is typically covered in class, and I aim to cultivate independence and depth of thought in my students to make sure they fulfil their potential.

Please note: I ask for 24 hours notice for cancellations. Otherwise, I charge the full amount for the planned session. I also ask to be paid in cash at the end of each session, or by bank transfer by the end of the week in which the session took place.

Tutoring Experience

Over the course of my tutoring career, 100% of my GCSE students achieved a Level 8 or above, all my A level students have met their university offers, and tutees taking entrance exams have all been awarded places at their first choice schools.

I am a qualified teacher with experience working in both primary and secondary settings. I plan engaging, creative lessons based around my students' needs and strengths, and have ample experience assessing progress and incorporating that into future teaching.

I have tutored A level and GCSE English, History and Latin since 2017, as well as primary and 11+ English and Maths. I have taught primary classes from Reception to Year 6, and in secondary settings, I have taught A level, GCSE and Key Stage Three English and History, both one-to-one and in classes. Many of my students have SEND and I have special training to work with students with dyslexia, autism, HDHD and physical impairments such as HI. I have also run a range of extra-curricular clubs, including drama, public speaking and poetry.

Tutoring Approach

In my tutorials, I cover core exam skills across English and History (unseen comparative text and source analysis; essay technique; knowledge recall etc.). I also offer support with coursework and independent research projects, as well as practice interviews for university admissions.

I believe a successful tutor will create a space for the student to pursue unfamiliar and provocative lines of inquiry with confidence and without fear of judgement. A tutoring programme should always be focused on the student’s needs, aspirations, strengths and areas for improvement, and should also account for the input of parents and teaches who are also supporting them in their education. As such, I work to build a programme tailored to each individual. For some, this will be curriculum-focused, designed to help them catch up or excel on their assigned projects, while others may benefit from a space to explore material outside of their classwork, particularly if they are preparing for college or university applications.

Ultimately, private tuition is about providing a space for students to grow happier and more confident in their academic work, while also encouraging them to consider how to apply their abilities in new, exciting areas.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Keble College, University of Oxford2017MastersM.St. in English 1900-present
St Catharine's College, University of Cambridge2015BachelorsBA in English
Watford Grammar School for Boys2012SchoolA levels (English Literature (A*), Latin (A*), Music (A), History (A))
Watford Grammar School for Boys2010SchoolGCSEs (3 A*s, 5 As, 2 Bs)

Ciaran's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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