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Online Physics and Chemistry Tuition

Hi I'm Claire, I am a Science teacher with 15 years experience teaching in schools. I have taught Combined Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics all up to GCSE level and have experience teaching Edexcel, OCR and AQA exam boards. I have helped hundreds of students achieve their target grades or higher in Science.
I have been a one to one Science tutor since 2014 and have experience teaching both face to face and online.

I have high expectations of pupils and strive to build positive relationships in order to help pupils succeed in their studies. I am a passionate teacher with great enthusiasm for my subject, I believe this is important in helping pupils to deepen their Scientific knowledge and understanding in order to gain the higher marks in exam situations.

My undergraduate degree is in Forensic Science which I studied at the University of Central Lancashire, graduating with a 2:1. I then completed a PGCE in Secondary School Science Teaching at Huddersfield University followed by a Masters degree in Professional Development.

I've got many hobbies and interests outside teaching including yoga, running, baking and Harry Potter!

Tutoring Experience

I've been tutoring since 2014 and teaching Biology, Chemistry and Physics to GCSE level in Secondary schools since 2008. I have experience teaching Edexcel, OCR gateway and AQA exam boards. Since March 2020 I've been tutoring online via Skype and Zoom.

Tutoring Approach

I have a flexible approach to tutoring designed around the needs of the student. This could include past exams questions, practicing equations and calculations, reviewing class work and homework, going through different ways of revising and exam technique.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


University of Huddersfield2011MastersMA Professional development
University of Huddersfield 2008PGCEPGCE Secondary Science
University of Central Lancashire 2005BachelorsBSc (hons) Forensic Scoence 2:1

Claire's Feedback

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